September 06, 2010

Installing The Optional Plug-ins back Into Photoshop CS5

This past week was a great learning experience at Photoshop World. One of the classes I taught was "Creating the Perfect Panoramic Image" and I showed attendees that you could put back the missing user interface that has been left out for controlling the individual frames when stitching with PhotoMerge. I have had dozens of e-mails this weekend from attendees saying that they can't find them. They are very difficult to find unless you put the exact description words in the search engine. I will save you the time.... Here is the exact links you need to put back all the missing plug-ins and presets. Just remember, they only work in 32-bit, so you must set Photoshop CS5 to open up in 32-bit mode instead of 64-bit mode in the Photoshop CS5 info panel to use these additional plug-ins. Follow the on-line instructions and read me files to install. At least it's a lot easier to install than the last version. You don't have to drop different files all over the the computer any more. It is a one button install now. Another real important plug-in that is reinstalled is the original Photo Web Gallery. I find this interface much better than the one in the Output Module of the Bridge and well worth putting back in. I am sorry we have to bounce back and forth from 64 to 32-bit, but that's the way we will have to do it for now.

Download the optional plug-ins from these locations:
For Mac OS:
For Windows:

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